Viscosity effects will drag from the slower lamina immediately closer to the walls of the tube.Viscosity effects will pull from the faster lamina immediately closer to the center of the tube.The negative sign comes from the conventional way we define Δ p = p end − p top < 0. This force is in the direction of the motion of the liquid. The pressure force pushing the liquid through the tube is the change in pressure multiplied by the area: F = − A Δ p.To figure out the motion of the liquid, all forces acting on each lamina must be known: Also assume the center is moving fastest while the liquid touching the walls of the tube is stationary (due to the no-slip condition). Laminar flow in a round pipe prescribes that there are a bunch of circular layers (lamina) of liquid, each having a velocity determined only by their radial distance from the center of the tube. Those closest to the edge of the tube are moving slowly while those near the center are moving quickly.Assume the liquid exhibits laminar flow. b) A cross section of the tube shows the lamina moving at different speeds. In standard fluid-kinetics notation: Δ p = 8 μ L Q π R 4 = 8 π μ L Q A 2 Ī) A tube showing the imaginary lamina. Both effects contribute to the actual pressure drop. However, the viscosity of blood will cause additional pressure drop along the direction of flow, which is proportional to length traveled (as per Poiseuille's law).
For example, the pressure needed to drive a viscous fluid up against gravity would contain both that as needed in Poiseuille's law plus that as needed in Bernoulli's equation, such that any point in the flow would have a pressure greater than zero (otherwise no flow would happen).Īnother example is when blood flows into a narrower constriction, its speed will be greater than in a larger diameter (due to continuity of volumetric flow rate), and its pressure will be lower than in a larger diameter (due to Bernoulli's equation). Poiseuille's equation describes the pressure drop due to the viscosity of the fluid other types of pressure drops may still occur in a fluid (see a demonstration here).

For velocities and pipe diameters above a threshold, actual fluid flow is not laminar but turbulent, leading to larger pressure drops than calculated by the Hagen–Poiseuille equation. The assumptions of the equation are that the fluid is incompressible and Newtonian the flow is laminar through a pipe of constant circular cross-section that is substantially longer than its diameter and there is no acceleration of fluid in the pipe. The theoretical justification of the Poiseuille law was given by George Stokes in 1845. It was experimentally derived independently by Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille in 1838 and Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig Hagen, and published by Poiseuille in 1840–. It can be successfully applied to air flow in lung alveoli, or the flow through a drinking straw or through a hypodermic needle. Check this article to learn more about mass flow and calculations.In nonideal fluid dynamics, the Hagen–Poiseuille equation, also known as the Hagen–Poiseuille law, Poiseuille law or Poiseuille equation, is a physical law that gives the pressure drop in an incompressible and Newtonian fluid in laminar flow flowing through a long cylindrical pipe of constant cross section.

Gas measurement units are calculated in standard cubic meters per hour ( m3n/hr) or standard cubic feet per minute ( SCFM). The mass of a gas does not vary with changes in temperature and pressure, the weight remains the same. This mass is represented by the number of molecules in a substance. Mass flow is the measure of a mass moving per unit time. Therefore, when measuring volumetric flow, one must take into account the gas temperature and gas pressure. When pressure increases, the volume will decrease. When temperature is raised, the space occupied by the volume will increase. When the volume is a gas, this will expand or shrink with differences in temperature and/or pressure. The volume is a substance occupying a three-dimensional space. Common units for volumetric flow are m3/hr, m3/min, CFM or ACFM. Volumetric flow, also referred to as actual flow, is a volume of medium moving per unit time.