Yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations
Yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations

yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations

Prime Minister said, in view of this, India has initiated the formation of the ‘Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure’ (CDRI). Modi said one of the effects of Global Warming is the increasing number and severity of natural disasters, and at the same time “they are appearing in new areas and in new forms. Mr Modi also talked about India’s initiative to create the International Solar Alliance. Highlighting India’s leadership role on global issues, he said India was one of the leading nations in the fight against climate change, though its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions was very low. He said as the world is going through a new era, the countries do not have the option to confine themselves within their boundaries.

yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations

Noting that modern technology is bringing about sweeping changes in every sphere of life and a fragmented world is in the interest of none, he pressed the international community to give a new direction to multilateralism. Urging the United Nations to provide a new direction to the world affairs, Prime Minister said Multi-lateralism and collective responsibility should be the road ahead. Mr Modi said the world is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, whose message of truth and non-violence is relevant even today, for peace, development and progress in the world. Modi noted that largest number of supreme sacrifices made by soldiers of any country for UN peacekeeping missions is from India. The Prime Minister said India has given Buddha to the world and not Yuddha and that is the reason why, India’s voice against terrorism, to the world about this evil, rings with seriousness and the outrage. He added that peace and harmony is the need of hour as he invoked the words of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago where he urged the global community to avoid dissensions. He said that terrorism is one of the greatest challenges for humanity. Lamenting the lack of unanimity amongst the member states on the issue of terrorism, Prime Minister said, it hurts those very principles, that are the basis for the creation of the United Nations. He said, India is an example to the world and the world could seek motivation from the developing country. In a historic address at the 74th Session of United Nations General Assembly in New York yesterday, he focussed on development in the country, climate change and terrorism. There is an order in the nation.India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called upon the international community to unite against terrorism for the sake of humanity. When there is beauty in the character, There is harmony in the home. We have also have many others evidences of universal-friendship thousands of years ago, for example, tamil-poetry thirukural authored by thiruvalluvar, also many others works by greeks, romans, etc !Ībdul Kalam said at EU on 2007-april, “i am reminded of the dream of the indian poet kaniyan poongundranar who articulated 3,000 years back in tamil classic Purananuru, he says "yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir" which means, "i am a world citizen, every citizen is my own kith and kins" he said 3,000 years back Where there is righteousness in the heart There is beauty in the character.

yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations

This UF universal-frienship, we call it UN, Universal-Natpu, natpu means friendship in tamil-language, the original language of poet Kaniyan Pungundranar My business in life has been for the past 33 years to enlist the friendship of the whole of humanity by befriending mankind, irrespective of race, colour or creed.I hope you will have the time and desire to know how a good portion of humanity who have view living under the influence of that doctrine of universal friendship"- gandhi in 1940 letter Gandhi to hitler, "DEAR FRIEND, That I address you as a friend is no formality. “yaadhum oore” means “all places in universe is our place” and “yaavarum kelir” means “All citizens in universe are our relations/friends”, this quote clearly defines the idea of universal-friendship 3000 yrs ago, very similar to gandhi’s definition of UF in his letter to letter in 1940, in which gandhi said


This week, oct-15 marks 85-th birth year of abdul-kalam who famously popularized the idea of "yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir" in his speech at european union on 2007-april, full speech down below

Yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir united nations