Stranger things 3 ending explained
Stranger things 3 ending explained

stranger things 3 ending explained

As snow falls, the camera slowly pans from the credits to a wintry compound. It’s all a bittersweet end to Stranger Things Season 3…OR IS IT? Because Stranger Things has decided to take a leaf out of Marvel’s book and feature a post-credits scene. The departing crew says their goodbyes with those staying behind and Eleven finally gets to read the touching letter that Hopper wrote her but never read. That means Joyce, Jonathan, Will, and even Eleven will be heading to a new home. Then we find out that Joyce has decided to go through with the selling of her house after all and finally leave town. Robin is happy to point out in their job interview that they weren’t fired, the mall just burned down. Robin and Steve get jobs at Family Video. The news report is sure to flash an image of a Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide at this point. Some believe a rise in Satanism is to blame for Hawkins’ issues. The news report also mentions mysterious deaths, cover-ups, and chemical leaks. Thirty people died due to the explosion under Starcourt including Hawkins’ beloved chief of police Jim Hopper.

stranger things 3 ending explained

Via a news report called “Horror in the Heartland” from WCPK-TV, we find out that the rest of the world is finally starting to realize that something is up with Hawkins, Indiana. The show flash forwards to three months later. The main climax of “The Battle for Starcourt” is straightforward enough but if anything from the ending needs explaining, it’s likely what comes next. The machine blows up, taking Hopper with it and the gate closes. The Mind Flayer is on the verge of killing their children so Joyce flips both switches.


She tries to wait for Hopper to break free and make it back to the safe room but she sadly runs out of time. While Hopper and Grigori battle next to the humming machine, Joyce somehow uses her Giannis Anteteokounmpo-level wingspan to operate both keys at the same time. Unfortunately, Hopper’s newly gained Russian nemesis, Grigori, arrives to kick Hopper’s ass. Hopper retrieves the key and he and Joyce head to the main hold to blow the gate to kingdom come. Thankfully, Dustin reaches his girlfriend Suzie in Utah and gets her to recite it (after a very lovely rendition of the song from the Never-Ending Story). He thought he did because Alexei told him it was “Planck’s Constant,” an important sequence in physics.


Hopper kills some Russians and steals their outfits easily enough but the team runs into an issue when Murray realizes he doesn’t actually know the code to open the vault to the key after all.

stranger things 3 ending explained

They’ll need all the time they can get because below Starcourt, things aren’t going swimmingly for Team Bald Eagle. When trying to repair the car, the Griswold family is nearly killed by Billy before Steve and Robin show up at the last minute to rescue them. It’s easier said than done, especially since Eleven’s powers suddenly no longer work. The Eleven crew (nicknamed “The Griswold Family”) must hole up in the mall and try to reclaim the engine of the car that Eleven flipped. Sure enough, Eleven and company’s escape attempt is thwarted by the flayed Billy Hargrove, who has destroyed their getaway car’s engine. You know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men though: they’re often interrupted by monsters from other dimensions. Yes, for the first time in a long time, the adults of the Stranger Things universe decide to keep the children safe. Read more: Stranger Things Season 3 ReviewĮleven, Mike, Max, Will, Lucas, Nancy, and Jonathan are expected to do…nothing. Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica are welcome to play a role in this plan by taking the Toddfather car to the highest peak in Hawkins and provide radio support to “Team Bald Eagle.” Once the gate is closed, the Mind Flayer should, in theory, be sapped of all power and release the flayed. He, Joyce, and Murray will head to the mall’s depths to infiltrate the Russians and “turn the key” to shut down their machine keeping the gate to the Upside Down open.

stranger things 3 ending explained


Max, Eleven, Mike, Lucas, Will, Nancy, Jonathan, Dustin, Steve, Erica, Robin, Hopper, Joyce, and even Murray Bauman meet to discuss how to take down the Mind Flayer, which has infected (or “flayed”) a sizable portion of Hawkins in its bid for world dominance. After spending the entirety of the season apart, all of the important characters are now back together. Save for a couple of codas at the end, it is all one hour-plus sustained climax. For all intents and purposes, “The Battle of Starcourt” is the ending of Stranger Things Season 3. So let’s break down that carefully crafted ending, explain what we can, and predict what it all means for the future of the show.

Stranger things 3 ending explained